Too short to be an elf and too tall to be a Hobbit, Jebraun lives smack-dab in the centre of New Zealand’s North Island surrounded by thermal activity, stunning lakes, and enough Redwoods to make her Californian heart swoon.

She’s jumping into the publishing world–YA fiction with a dash of fantasy, a little bit of sci-fi, and a smidgen of romance is where her pen takes her. She writes about discovering identity, living without fear, and enjoys creating fantastic worlds.

Her sci-fi short story “Beyond the Stars, Past the Moons” is in Encircled, an anthology of fairy tale retellings (you can buy Encircled here on Amazon if you’re in the US). She’s currently querying her YA fantasy, The Two Queens of Kyrie, which won the American Christian Fiction Writer’s 2015 First Impressions contest and the 2016 Genesis contest in the YA category.  She’s also working on other manuscripts and hopes to secure an agent soon.

Loves: coffee!!! tree ferns, dark chocolate, British spelling (except for tyre, that one still looks weird), and Jesus.

Hates: raw poultry, spiders, cycling (but not cyclists), and mould.

Hobbies: reading, writing, dinner out with friends on Eat Streat, walking along New Zealand’s west coast beaches, and the occasional (okay, often) Netflix binge.

If you subscribe to the quarterly newsletter above, you’ll receive a fantasy short story “The Watertamer’s Sister.”

She gives away goodies like NZ chocolate, e-books, and Amazon gift cards in every newsletter.

Connect with Jebraun on Facebook or Instagram.

Stay Fearless,