Drifting: A Sequel Worth the Wait and a GIVEAWAY

Drifting Blog Tour.pngI never read a mermaid story until I read Sarah Armstrong-Garner’s Sinking a little over a year ago.

And I could. Not. Put. It. Down.

The prose was beautiful, the story enticing, the characters endearing…I didn’t read it, I devoured it!

And then I had to wait for the sequel. 

Forever, it seemed.

In the interim, I found my mind returning again and again to the story. What was going to happen to Jocelyn? Would she return safely to the sea? What about hunky sea captain Aidan? I don’t want to give too much away in case you haven’t read this epic story…but I was itching to get back to it.

(And…by the way…I’ve got a giveaway of BOTH titles at the end of this post!! 😉 )

Finally. Finally. Finally.

The sequel is here! And I read it! And I love it!

But first…the cover and blurb:

Jocelyn plunges into the ocean near Calcutta, India, thrown overboard by a man claiming it’s the only way to save her life. As she sinks, the transformation begins, and the ocean welcomes her back into its embrace.

Aidan Boyd thought the only way to save Jocelyn was to give her back to the ocean, but now he’s not so sure. Aidan doesn’t believe in mermaids, but he can’t explain the way she changed. Will he see Jocelyn again? Or has he condemned her to a watery grave?

Jocelyn drifts in a world she’d forgotten only to find she’s hunted by a deadly force from the ancient city of Thessa, the reason she was hidden in the world above. But she cannot get Aidan out of her head. Was what they shared real? Or was it a fantasy brought on by her unconscious need to seduce a human?

Both Aidan and Jocelyn begin a desperate and dangerous journey to discover the truth . . . and hopefully each other. But will their love be enough?

Happy sigh. Isn’t that cover gorgeous?!?

Drifting starts exactly where Sinking left off. Which is good. Because I was on the edge of my seat by the end of Sinking. And, let’s face it, distraught at the cliffhanger ending.

Right away we get introduced to some new characters. Merfolk to be exact. As Jocelyn rediscovers her mermaid origins, we get to travel under the sea with her to a strange and fascinating new world.

I’ve heard the author talk about her love of writing screenplays, and let me tell you, she packs a lot of visual description into her narrative. As a very visual person, I loved imagining the intricate scenes she sets, the facial expressions, the flick of a tail, and especially the underwater mining city of Ommo.

Then there’s Jocelyn’s captivity and…ooops! Again…I don’t want to spoil the story for you.

Okay. On to the romantic aspect of Drifting.

Two men vie for Jocelyn’s affection. Benlar, the noble merman, and Aidan, the hunky sea captain I mentioned earlier. I’m definitely Team Aidan, and I cheered him on as he struggles to regain control of his ship and then desperately searches the world for his beloved.

Throw in the mystery of why Jocelyn is a hunted mermaid, and this story covers all the bases: fantasy, romance, adventure, and suspense.

I savoured every word!

So run, swim, commandeer a ship, whatever it takes to get a hold of these beautifully written stories!

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Don’t forget to go to the launch party. L2L2 Publishing seriously throws some of the best parties around with lots of prizes. RSVP here!

Sarah Armstrong-Garner lives in Northern California with her husband and three children, and get this: not only is she an author, screenwriter, and photographer, she also shoots indie films with her husband. You can visit www.SarahArmstrongGarner.com to learn more about her and her upcoming releases.

Connect with Sarah

Website: http://www.saraharmstronggarner.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SarahArmstrongGarner
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SarahTwyla
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/saraharmstronggarner
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/33156298-sarah-armstrong-garner
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/sarahtwyla

Purchase Link (L2L2 Publishing’s Website):


If you want to read Sinking and Drifting for yourself, enter my giveaway! One lucky participant will win an e-book of both of these beautiful books. You have until May 5 to enter.

Thanks for joining me. If you’ve read these books, what did you think? Let me know in the comments below 🙂

cropped-jebraun-clifford-lr-3.jpgJebraun Clifford always wanted to step through a door into an imaginary kingdom, so it’s no surprise she now calls Middle Earth home. Too short to be an elf and too tall to be a Hobbit, she lives smack-dab in the centre of New Zealand’s North Island in a town filled with thermal activity, stunning lakes, and enough Redwoods to make her Californian heart swoon. She writes about discovering identity, living without fear, and enjoys creating fantastic worlds. Her unpublished YA fantasy, The Two Queens of Kyrie, won both the American Christian Fiction Writer’s 2015 First Impressions contest and the 2016 Genesis contest. She loves coffee, tree ferns, dark chocolate, and Jesus, and harbours a secret penchant for British spelling.

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3 responses to “Drifting: A Sequel Worth the Wait and a GIVEAWAY”

  1. […] Wednesday, April 25th, “Drifting: A Sequel Worth the Wait (and a GIVEAWAY),” Jebraun Clifford, http://www.jebraunclifford.com […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Michele Israel Harper Avatar
    Michele Israel Harper

    What a lovely review, Jebraun! Makes me want to read these books all over again. Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] Wednesday, April 25th, “Drifting: A Sequel Worth the Wait (and a GIVEAWAY),” Jebraun Clifford, http://www.jebraunclifford.com […]

    Liked by 1 person

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