6 Fun Facts You Need to Know About Laura L. Zimmerman

I’m excited to be part of the blog tour for Keen, a YA banshee novel by Laura L. Zimmerman and published by L2L2 Publishing that’s coming out July 9th.

Here’s a sneak peek:

You must walk the darkness to find the light. Half-faerie Caoine has no control over the banshee lament she sings each night, predicting the death of others. A senior in a brand new high school, she expects the same response she’s received at every other school: judgment from fellow students over her unusual eyes and unnaturally white skin and hair. However, when Caoine arrives at West Lincoln High, for the first time in her life she finds friends. Real friends.

But being a teenager is never easy, especially when the star soccer player, Oliver, sets his sights on her. Allowing him to get close means revealing her curse to the human world. She can’t let that happen. Life spins further out of control when her lament comes out during the day, those whose death she predicts die right in front of her, and a dark faerie known only as the Unseelie prince blames Caoine by leaving her the creepiest notes ever. Her curse is not supposed to work like that.

In a race against time, Caoine must uncover the Unseelie prince’s identity and stop a spell before it unleashes hell on earth, all while trying to control her banshee song and finding a place among her peers.

Senior year just got real.

I cornered Laura in a coffee shop (where she was innocently sipping on coffee with a splash of skim milk) and was rewarded with some surprising and fun facts about this talented author.

1. She has eclectic tastes

Jebraun: you mentioned that the TV series Teen Wolf gave you some inspiration for Keen. What are some other TV shows/series/movies you enjoy?

Laura: I’ll watch some shows, like Teen Wolf or Pretty Little Liars, because it’s a good chance for me to connect with my teenagers. But if left solely to my own discretion, I’ll binge watch Friends, The Office or Parks and Rec, Psych…I’m currently rewatching Downton Abbey with my girls (for the third time!) But my favorite TV show is Supernatural! My oldest daughter and I never miss an episode!! Movies almost always center around the Marvel Universe, Star Wars, or a kids movie, since my youngest is just eight. Although, my teens have roped me into watching a few horror with them recently! (Against my will. *hides eyes. literally*)

2. She yearns for the simple life

Jebraun: This sounds similar to what I like to watch. Except the horror, lol. I’m with you on that one! Suppose you were a character from Lord of the Rings. Who would you be and why?

Laura: I’m not sure which specific character, but I think I’d like to be a hobbit! They lead such simple lives in the beautiful countryside, and they love to celebrate! *heart* Their relationships revolve around good food and good conversation. It’s so opposite of Western culture. I swoon every time Gandalf’s cart rolls into the Shire at the beginning of the movie.

3. She also dreams big

Jebraun: the Shire is certainly inspiring. And speaking of inspiration, where would you go on a writing retreat? Would you bring anyone with you? Give me all the details!

Laura: Dream retreat, you say? *little bubble forms overhead* An open coffee bar that never closes with a barista who knows ALL the drinks, all my favorite writing community friends would be there, it would be in Ireland (naturally because we would totally all be able to afford to go there and stay a whole week), our families would function perfectly without us and there would be no problems with any flights. *bubble pops* But in reality…if I can ever connect with any of my writing friends, no matter where, I’ll be there!

4. She loves to read

Jebraun: Sounds heavenly! What about reading. Any favourite authors?Mine would be CJ Redwine. I LOVE her Ravenspire series!

Laura: Oh wow. I think anything written by Kristen Ciccarelli. *swoon* Her writing is gorgeous, I adore her world building and the way she weaves her plots is amazing!

5. She’s up for an adventure

Jebraun: Let’s step outside of fiction for a moment. You have the chance to go colonize the moon. It’s perfectly safe. You can bring your family if you wish. Would you go? Why or why not?

Laura: YES. I’m always on-board for an adventure. I mean, yeah, I’d be terrified for that flight, but the view would be crazy beautiful! I’d bring my whole family and would love every minute getting to experience something new and exciting! Besides, how fun would it be to get to walk on the moon?

6. She’s practical when it comes to sustenance

Jebraun: What favorite snack food would you bring along on your mission to the moon?

Laura: Chocolate. And Kind bars. Or nuts. Okay, let’s be honest, if I’m in a coffee shop, it’s basically any carb-loaded yumminess they have to offer!!

Jebraun: Thank you soooo much for sharing your thoughts with me! I seriously can’t wait for KEEN!!

Laura L. Zimmerman lives in a suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband, three daughters, and three furbaby felines. Besides writing, she’s passionate about loving Jesus, anything Star Wars, and singing loudly. She takes her coffee black and spends her days pretending to do yoga. Keen is her debut novel.

Connect with Laura on Facebook Twitter Instagram Goodreads Pinterest or her website.

You can purchase Keen at L2L2 Publishing.

And don’t forget to join the fun at the Keen Facebook party on Thursday, July 11th.

Too short to be an elf and too tall to be a Hobbit, Jebraun lives smack-dab in the centre of New Zealand’s North Island surrounded by thermal activity, stunning lakes, and enough Redwoods to make her Californian heart swoon. She writes about discovering identity, living without fear, and enjoys creating fantastic and far-off worlds. Her loves include coffee, tree ferns, dark chocolate, and Jesus, and she harbours a secret penchant for British spelling. You can find her sci-fi short story “Beyond the Stars, Past the Moons” in Encircled, a collection of fairy tale retellings.

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2 responses to “6 Fun Facts You Need to Know About Laura L. Zimmerman”

  1. Count me in for being a hobbit with you Laura! 😀


  2. […] Friday, July 5th, “6 Fun Facts You Need to Know about Laura L. Zimmerman,” Jebraun Clifford, http://www.jebraunclifford.com […]


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